It’s been a while and I feel I have to remind folks to check their Internet speed. Your Internet Service Provider (or ISP) will change their speed packages and you may not always get a message to let you know you to “Upgrade” usually at no cost! What you started paying for 5 years ago may now be outdated, their packages now have faster download speed at the same price! It pays to be informed.
You can test your Internet speed, and check what your ISP is offering on their site to make sure you are getting the best speed for the money. Go here to check your speed: Click “Begin Test.” Once the test is complete you will see your download and upload speed. I would suggest a minimum of 6 MBPS (megabytes per second) download and 1 MBPS up.
For small businesses (1 or 2 people) I would recommend 10 MBPS down and 1 MBPS up should be fine. If your business is larger, or you would like higher speed you may want to look into a business class connection that may be a little higher cost, however the speed advantages are tremendous. If speed seems to be an issue and you have verified the speed with your ISP, then the chances are that either a setting is off in your modem/router, or there is something wrong with your modem/router. There have been numerous times where someone has claimed a computer is running slow on a companies network, and the issue ended up being network connection speed.
Make sure you are getting the most out of your ISP. Don’t settle for horrible speeds, whether the issue is your service, modem/router, or computer. We are here to help you get the most out of your computer/s, and network. Contact us here or give us a call at 317-497-5500.